About Us
The Order of the Eastern Star
The Order of the Eastern Star is a Masonic-related fraternity of women and men dedicated to charity, truth and loving kindness. Although not a part of the Masonic fraternity, membership is based on a Masonic affiliation or relationship, a belief in God, and a desire to acquire additional knowledge and for self improvement.
Our Mission
Yannah Grand Chapter of Indiana is a fraternal organization composed of women with Masonic affiliation and Master Masons. Our members share a belief in the existence of a Supreme Being and promotion of the principles of Love, Relief, and Truth.
Our Core Values
- Fidelity ~ be a person of your word. Be fully honest in your dealings. If you say you will do something, do it within the time expected and do it completely.
- Constancy ~ be dependable. Don’t make commitments you don’t intend to keep. No matter how your circumstances change, be where you should be doing what you should.
- Loyalty ~ Be supportive of friends and loved ones. Be true to your beliefs and values.
- Faith ~ Belief in a supreme being who watches over us and guide us.
- Love ~ Be charitable to the lonely, less fortunate, widowed, and orphaned. Support those who are engaged in service to others.
Grand Chapter Officers

Grand Chapters
Darian Chapter
Worthy Matron Nicole Roberts
Daughters of Sheba Chapter
Worthy Matron Lasonja Washington
Deborah Chapter
Worthy Matron Tamika Hodges
Divinity Chapter
Worthy Matron TBD
Faith Chapter
Worthy Matron Paula Taylor
Genesis Chapter
Worthy Matron Tyra Lawson
Hadassah Chapter
Worthy Matron Tashica Davis
Julia Lee Moore Chapter
Worthy Matron Monique Jones
Ladies of Elegance Chapter
Worthy Matron Chanell McMillon
Reflections Chapter
Worthy Matron Sherita Evans